Tony Campolo tells the story of how his mother requested that he attend the funeral of a neighbor that had died. He didn’t know it, but he went to the wrong funeral home. When he got to (what he thought) was the funeral home, the only person there was the wife of the deceased man.

He kindly went in, sat beside her and she thanked him for coming. Together, they approached the casket. It was at this moment that Tony realized, he had no idea who this women, or her deceased husband were. He didn’t have the heart to say anything, so he spent the rest of the funeral with her. He even rode in the Hearse with her, upon her request.

After the service at the grave site, they were returning to the funeral home and Tony couldn’t hold back any longer. He kindly explained to this grieving woman that he “didn’t know her husband”. Upon which she looked at him and said “I know. You will never know how much you being here with me today meant”.

A story like that makes you want to pass along a quick email, phone call or note to your friends doesn’t it? Makes you want to make sure that they know how important they are to your world. Might even remind you to show how a “friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity”. (Proverbs 17:17)

Thank you for being my brothers, sisters and friends!