“be careful what you wish for, cause you just might get it all” – Chris Daughtry

I am the self proclaimed king of “staying off of the radar”. I make it my goal each day to do the very best I can do, while avoiding any potential exposure (good or bad). It would appear that my efforts have earned me a seat smack dab in the cross hairs. Nice…

That lyric from Chris Daughtry is loaded isn’t it? Most know that I have been waiting on a decision from my employer for several months. Well the decision came this week and I’m thrilled to report that I was their guy. This means huge opportunity, huge responsibility and HUGE radar. I think it was Spiderman’s Grandmother that said “with great powers comes great responsibility”.

Truth is that I put this whole process in Gods hands back in July, standing on the beach in Outer Banks, North Carolina. He has directed and guided the entire process. He’s opened the doors and blessed me with this opportunity. Even if it means no longer being under the radar.