“David, wearing a linen ephod, danced before the Lord with all his might” (2 Samuel 6:14)

I don’t lead my own church, but if I did, the very first thing I would install/require is a “splash zone” in the first 5 rows of the sanctuary! What am I talking about? Let me explain.

Several years ago, my wife and I were members of a church plant. Without question, our best Sunday’s of worship were when the guys from the local “Refuge” ministry would visit. Refuge is an outreach camp in southern, Ohio where men battling addictions go to detox, and put their lives back together. They learn what it means to leave everything, rely on God’s faithfulness, grace and greatness. So when they worship, they really WORSHIP!

These men would dance, raise their hands, sing out, cry, laugh and really get into the praise and worship music. It’s what I imagine Heaven will be like 24/7. It was contagious and made it okay for everyone else to break the same old – same old of Sunday morning. Why don’t more churches do this? Why am I afraid to do it in our current church? Don’t you think God wants to see that response when we sing of his greatness, mercy and love?

So, let’s install a “splash zone” for those that want to worship in freedom and not care what others think. As long as you are in that area, you can expect to lift hands, dance, cry, sing, laugh, hug and express whatever you feel led to do. I would bet all the water in Shamus’ tank that the “Splash Zone” would not only be a hit, but would grow well beyond the originally stated number of rows.

Here’s hoping we all don’t keep our “hands and feet in the pews at all times” to enjoy this ride.