Dear Brothers and Sisters in the blogging community, I have an urgent prayer request that I am asking each of you to consider. Having read many of your blogs, I know that the subject is something that has touched us all. My reading has also told me that you are all believers in the same “Great Physician”. His plan is perfect. His burden is light and his grace is sufficient.

A few weeks ago a husband, father, and brother in Christ found out that he has a large tumor that must be removed. He is scheduled for surgery this Wednesday, February 7, at 9am. The surgery is scheduled to last for 2 hours and then another hour in ICU. Some of the women from our church (my wife included) are making the trip to The Cleveland Clinic on Wednesday to be with his wife and support her. An email also came out tonight for others to join as prayer partners throughout the day.

Would you all join me in praying for this man, his wife, his family and the doctors that will be performing this difficult surgery? His name is Jordan and his wife’s name is Tammy. Tammy has also made the following specific requests:

-success of the surgery(remove as much of the tumor as possible-some of the tumor is probably unreachable since it is spread throughout the brain)

-safety (guide the surgeons hands so that only cancerous areas are removed and healthy areas are not damaged)

-no permanent damage to his sensory skills…memory, speech, short term memory, ability to concentrate

-no swelling in the brain after surgery

-comfort before and after the surgery

-a special peace and calm for before, during and after the surgery

I offer this request because I believe in the power of prayer. I believe in a God that created the universe and everything in it. I believe that He is the “Great Physician” and can still work miracles. I believe that Christ is at the right hand interceding for his children as well. I believe that where two or more are gathered, He is there also. I believe that he healed a women for having faith and touching his robe.

May our prayers join together so that he may be where Jordan is on Wednesday. May we have the faith to believe like the women that touched his robe, knowing she would be healed. May God show his grace and mercy as only He can. To him we will give the glory, honor and praise.