Let me start by again thanking each and every one of you that committed to praying, offered prayers, linked to my blog post and shared words of encouragement the past few days. I believe in the words that will follow, you will both be glad you did and see that we serve an awesome and mighty God.

From what my wife told me this evening, the surgery for Jordan went very well. He will likely be leaving the hospital in a few days to return home. If I understood her correctly, the tumor had miraculously not connected itself as they had thought and therefore the mass was able to be fully removed. The areas of concern (speech and motor) of the brain were not effected. Praise God!

We will continue to pray for the results of the biopsy that should be returned in a week or so. Yet I don’t want another minute to go by without a pause to praise “him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us,” (Ephesians 3:20).

Something amazing happens when Gods people pray. Amen?

I had to attach this song by the great Steven Curtis Chapman. It’s one of his best and sums up this week and so much we will face in our lives. “God is God and I am not”! Praise His name today and thank you all for your prayers!