In the movie “Major League”, Harry Doyle is doing play-by-play for the very first game of the season and says “You can often tell how the season goes by the very first at bat”. Willie Mayes-Hayes promptly hits a dribbler about 2 feet in front of the plate and is tagged out. I sure hope I am not sitting in the middle of one of those moments.

As I type this, I am sitting in the airport in Columbus. The fog outside is so thick, I can’t even see that little hallway thing that Jim Carrey fell off of in “Dumb and Dumber”. So nothing’s taken off and nothing’s landing. At last announcement, my flight to Baltimore is still sitting in Nashville. It’s going to be a while.  Since this is my first trip in my world tour, I am okay with it. It also helps that I am not trying to get home. That would stink.

I am what you might classify as a “people watcher”. People intrigue me. I am getting a TON of material for the blog, which couldn’t have come at a better time. Some time I will have to tell the story about sitting on the floor, reading “Chasing Daylight”. As I read about seizing a moment and risk, the man next to me told the person on the other end of his Blackberry that he was an “Agnostic, or whatever you call it”. He continued, “the only time I have ever been in a church was to attend a wedding”. So with that, I will sign off. I think I am beginning to see what God was up to when he put me in this place on my journey. As my children’s book says….

“Oh the places we will go……”