As I write this, I am sitting on my return flight from San Antonio. I’m one day later then I was supposed to be. Due to bad weather last night, my flight was canceled and I was forced to stay over night. I still don’t know where my luggage ended up. It has been an interesting trip. Over the last 2 nights, I have stayed at the world famous “Westin Resort” (which I was informed goes for nearly $300 a night) and a 4 star Omni Hotel last night. Both were not planned, but were arranged due to water damage at one hotel and my previously mentioned canceled flight.

I certainly don’t want to sound spoiled, but the reality is that no matter how nice they were, it wasn’t home. I enjoyed being pampered a bit and the plush atmosphere was nice. The $30 per plate dinner wasn’t all that bad either. But it still wasn’t where I wanted to be…home. Even though the staff at both places went out of their way to make you feel like Richard Gere in “Pretty Woman” (ride to the hotel Mr. Conrad?)…it wasn’t where I longed to be…home.

It got me to thinking that this is so much like our journey and time here on earth isn’t it? Our souls were not created for this place. Our deepest desires and yearning is to be somewhere else. We’re homesick. No matter how nice we make our lives, our homes, our cars and everything else, we will never find true happiness here. We weren’t meant to. We are on a road trip that will one day end and we can finally go home where we belong. Jesus said “you know the way to the place where I am going” (John 14:4 NIV). Just like we miss our earthly homes when we are away, our souls aren’t settled. They know the way to our heavenly home.

So if you find yourself a bit discouraged, worried, concerned and anxious at times and you’re just not sure why. Remember…it’s not home. It’s alright to enjoy the ride, take in the sights and make the most of your time here. But the best is yet to come because one day, we will finally be home.