Poor Lazarus. Imagine if you were not feeling well, I mean REALLY not feeling well and when you prayed your little heart out, someone informed you that Jesus would get back to you in a few days. It would be like the prayer equivalent of leaving a voice mail. In the days of fast food, cell phones, “instant” messages and TIVO, we really have grown accustomed to a response a bit quicker then that haven’t we?

I know this blogger sure expects it. When something’s not right in my world, I want instant peace. I want someone somewhere to inform me of the outcome, the details, or whatever this thing is going to mean to me personally. So when I read the words “Yet when he heard that Lazarus was sick, he stayed where he was two more days” (John 11:6), it hits me…well….instantly. In verse 3, we are told that Lazarus was a guy that Jesus loved. Just like you and I.

As we read further along, Jesus does arrive two days later and actually raises ol’ Lazarus from the dead. Here’s the key…he did it on his time, in his way, for his purpose. We are no different. I might want know the who, what, when and why, but I don’t have the wisdom to see the larger picture. There is one that does and he knows exactly what he is doing. He didn’t rush to Lazarus, but I would say he came through in the end for the guy.

He will for us too. We just need to trust his timing and not ours.