sg.jpgThe best part of my recent trip to St. Louis is that I finally had the opportunity to finish reading “Sex God” by Rob Bell. The biggest challenge is writing a review of a book covering such a taboo subject. Here’s the deal, Rob Bell is great. If you were a fan of “Velvet Elvis”, NOOMA or Mars Hill Bible Church, you will love this book. He really is brilliant, clever, informative and relevant. I can’t think of a better, more respectful author to cover this subject as well and in depth as he does.

Although I’m not looking forward to the “birds and bees” discussion, Rob Bell provides biblical information to support “THE talk”. I will be putting this one on the shelf for conversations that will one day take place with my son and eventually my daughters.

While the whole book was good, Chapter Seven (“Under the Chuppah”) and Chapter Eight (“Johnny and June”) were my personal favorites. I read Chapter eight, which is about marriages that last and are contagious, sitting next to an elderly couple in the lobby of my hotel. How appropriate it was. Also, the commentary in the Epilogue is priceless. I give “Sex God” five stars. If you’ve read it, I’d love to hear your reviews as well.

Next Up – “Soul Cravings” by Erwin McManus