im000107.jpg“Look at this photograph, every time I do it makes me laugh” –Nickelback

Every time I hear this song by Nickelback, or see this picture, I always think about posting this. I guess it’s high time I did it!

This image was taken about 5 years ago on New Years eve. I remember it vividly. At the time of this picture, we were all part of a church plant. It was a time that we were just learning what it meant to be community. We were new (or soon to be) parents of our first children and had no clue what we were doing. All we knew is that we were doing it together. Time and circumstances have taken us away from that church and doing life together in the same way. Children have taken center stage in our lives and our time together is limited to email, a quick chat in the hall or maybe a cookout some Saturday.

“I miss that time. I miss the faces. You can’t erase, you can’t replace it. I miss it now, I can’t believe it. So hard to stay, too hard to leave it” –Nickelback

I love that line. So hard to stay, too hard to leave it. Have you experienced that? What happened to just hanging out? Now schedules, children, and time makes it so hard to be in one another’s lives. But here’s the beauty. These guys are some of my core. They are a part of who I am and what I have become. They have shaped and molded me. We can’t spend the time we would like to, but inside, there’s a brotherhood that would be here in second if needed. Community is not defined by which church you attend on Sunday morning or how much time you bank with one another each week. It’s about connecting and caring, supporting, encouraging and believing in one another. “You can’t erase it, you can’t replace it”.

To Ryan (I know you’re reading this bro), thanks for the email that prompted me to dig out this photograph again. Darrin and Marky, you guys will probably agree….every time I do, it makes me laugh.