ac180logo.jpg“We’re all looking for love and meaning in our lives. We follow the roads that lead us to drugs or Jesus” –Tim McGraw

Have you ever been a part of what was clearly God’s plan? It is one of the most exciting and invigorating things I have ever experienced. Everything just clicks. You start putting the pieces together and realize that God has been up to something for a while. You get a glimpse of the road map and it is incredible how he works.

As of today, we are thrilled to announce that you all now get a glimpse of what God is putting together as well. “A Complete 180” is a blog written by Christian men and it’s officially up on the web. The address is easy to remember – For the complete story, you can read our mission statement here. We believe that a site that talks about the things men talk about (sports, movies, music, TV, current events) and shows that Christian men struggle with the same things the other men struggle with (even more sometimes) will be relevant, real and good for the web.

Lord willing, it might even encourage a husband, father, brother, son or friend to do “A 180” in the direction their headed. After all, didn’t each of us do the same thing at some point in our lives?

I have a few requests I’d like you to consider –

1. Pray for the site – Would you commit to praying for “” and each of the contributors to that blog? We are committed to holding one another accountable to content (though it will, at times, have an edge to it). We are also committed to creating a place on the web for God to do amazing things.

2. Pass along the address – We’re not looking for hits, we’re looking to hit the hearts of men (and women) on the web. This site is not for our glory, it’s for God’s purpose. Ladies, would you tell your husband, son, father and friends? Guys, would you bookmark it, feed it and pass it along as well? We are just getting started, but the content and posts will be changing pretty regularly, so you will want to visit often. With the authors we have on board and more to come, miss a day and you might miss a lot!

I’m looking forward to watching God continue to do what we have already seen him start. There’s not enough space for me to tell the whole story here, but believe me, his fingerprints are everywhere. As an aside, this blog, and each of the other contributors individual blogs are not going anywhere. We all have our own projects. The content on will be different, maybe more edgy then what you read here. So thanks for always supporting this blog and maybe we will see you on “A Complete 180“!