1sandlot.jpgWhen I was growing up my mom had a rather funny phrase she would use. If I was looking for something that was right in front of me, she would say “If it was a snake, it would have bitten you”! Once again tonight I was in my temple of inspiration (otherwise known as the front yard cutting the grass) and I had that feeling that I might have just been bit. It would seem that something I needed, something we all need has been slowly creeping up in front of me. I just didn’t see it.

My wife and I have had this conversation many times, but when it comes to relationships, mine tend to be a mile wide and an inch thick. In other words, I feel very blessed to have several friendships, but for some reason, I don’t let them get very deep. She on the other hand, has a core group of friends that form a sisterhood and hedge for her. It is remarkable. It’s something I have been missing out on due to approaching each one with the “Heisman Pose”.

Through a rather interesting course of events, I had the opportunity to meet my blogging buddy Russell today. We grabbed some lunch and marveled that a guy from Ohio and a guy from Michigan could actually share a meal! Just before our lunch, I received an email from a guy I have a world of respect for named Stefan. Through a recent joint venture, We have had the opportunity to connect on several levels. Lastly tonight, while we were out in front of the house, my friend “D-Rich” and his family rode by on their bikes. We shared some laughs and even something that God had laid on my heart. It was a good day.

You see, God has been building and weaving men into my life right in front of my eyes. “If they were snakes, they would have bitten me”. I have resolved to be very intentional in doing what is required to create lasting, meaningful relationships with these divine moments. It’s not the way I am wired, but I think it might be time for an overhaul. I’m looking forward to making that “mile wide” much deeper than an “inch thick”. After all, no one wants a snake bite.