img_2177.jpgWell, it took us all summer, but I am proud to announce that “the boy” finally did it! We were just about to go on a nightly walk and he said “I want to practice on my bike”. We had pretty much given up on riding without training wheels this summer, so I figured..why not? Within 5 minutes he was riding like a champ. It was unbelievable. I wish I could say that I did some incredible fatherly thing to make it happen, but I can’t. He just did it.

There was some collateral damage to a “House For Sale” sign a few doors down as he was trying to coordinate the brakes, but neither one of them are worse for the wear. So to those of you that responded to my earlier cries for help (here and here), thank you! I was hoping to catch the moment on video but I missed it. I was able to record a real quick audio clip. Hope this makes it feel like you were there with us.