__sysmes.jpgI kicked off a 2 city in one day tour this morning VERY early. Thankfully I am sitting in a downtown hotel in St. Louis after a quick pit stop in Boston. The highlight of the day for me all started when I said “yes” to the GPS option with my rental car this morning. I have never used a GPS, but knew that if I was left to my own navigation in a city like Boston it would have ended REAL bad.

I gotta say that a GPS is pretty much the coolest thing I have ever seen. After my presentation, I was making my way back to the airport and had several hours before I was due to depart. I figured I would put it’s capabilities to the test. So I typed in FENWAY PARK and I was on my way. I did the speed tour around Fenway by literally running around the outside and taking as many pictures as I could. It didn’t help that my meter was expired and I had no change. It would have been worth the ticket though.

