413ypc0mspl_ss500_.jpgI had an opportunity the past week or so to read two of the books that I have really been looking forward to. The first was “When the Game is Over, It All Goes Back in the Box” by John Ortberg. I’m a pretty big fan of Ortberg and this one didn’t disappoint at all. There are times when it is good to just go back to the basics, take a pause and evaluate some things. This book will do that. You will find yourself taking some stock in what matters most.

If you are a fan of John Ortberg’s writing, you will love this book. You will find the usual gut wrenching stories one minute, laugh out loud stories the next. I give it a 5 out of 5. Would make a very good small groups study as well.

41kp9sl1b4l_ss500_.jpgThe other book I just finished was “3:16” by Max Lucado. Now before you think I am some kind of speed reader, “3:16” is a very quick read. It’s only 140 pages. This is only a partial review. The second half of “3:16” includes a 40 day study. I am going to go through that with a friend or two in the next couple of weeks so I will post the rest of the review in roughly…40 something days.

The first half of the book is a signature Lucado book. Much like Ortberg he mixes funny analogies, personal stories, research and gut wrenching stories to expand his points. There is a chapter about hell that really paints a not-so-fun picture. This would be a good book for outreach, small groups and non-believers especially. I give the first half a 4 out of 5.

Next up is Quiet Strength by Tony Dungy.