I need to give credit to my wife for this post. The only reason I downloaded the new Point of Grace CD was for her. They are great, but I don’t usually listen to a lot of their music. After downloading it, I gave it a quick listen. The very first song I played was a song called “Heal the Wound”. I literally said “WOW” as I was listening to it. Let me give you some background.

My wife has been training for a marathon now for over a year. She feels that it is something that God has called her to do for him and some other people. She is not running for her glory. Rather, she is running for the glory of God and for some people we know that are facing storms. Since day one, it has never been about her. She’s endured physical setbacks, MRI’s and scheduling conflicts only to keep her eyes focused on the goal.

A few weeks ago, she fell while running and scraped her leg pretty bad. She told me at that time that she prayed that God would….ready for this…”Heal the wound, but leave the scar” as a reminder of why she is doing this. So when this song came on, I couldn’t help but think of her. It is an incredible song that can speak to all of us. We are wounded aren’t we? Our past mistakes and failures can leave us broken and hurting. But there is a God that picks us up, cleans up the mess we have made and sets us on a new course.

May God heal or wounds and, if necessary, leave the scar as a reminder of his grace and mercy. May we never forget where he is brought us from in order to be everything he wants us to be.

Heal the Wound” by Point of Grace from the CD “How You Live