Our “homework” this week in the Starting Point series is to reconcile with someone for which it is long overdue. Tell me again why we are doing Starting Point? I was the guy that told everyone when we launched this thing that they were to take the homework seriously. I’d sure like to take that statement back this week.

When I read that assignment aloud, the truth is that someone came immediately to my mind. It’s now 3 days later and I have yet to make that call or send that email. Why is that so hard? Why, when we have been shown grace beyond measure, is it so hard to pay that forgiveness forward? I wish I had the answer.

I’ve always been one to procrastinate so I guess this is nothing new. Maybe, before this week is up, I will have done what I need to do. I’d hate to do what I did so famously in college and wait until the night before.

Sometimes we lose our way, we don’t say things we should say.
We hold on to stubborn pride when we should put it all aside.
To waste the time we’re given seems so senseless.
When one little word shouldn’t be so hard….forgiveness.

Forgiveness” by Jim Witter