family2.jpgMany of you have been following the journey of my friend Stef the past few months either through his blog, AC180, my blog or all three. If you are not familiar with Stef, he is an amazing man of God, Christian brother, husband, father and friend. About 6 months ago, God gave me the blessing of connecting our paths and I am a better person today because of that divine moment. If you would like to know more about Stef, his journey and his family, he has been sharing it through his blog.

Today, I want to make a public call to prayer for my Christian brother, fellow AC180 contributor and friend. He has a surgery coming this Friday which is a very large step in his journey. I’d like to make the request to all that read these words to join me in praying. By linking arms with one another and lifting up Stefan and his family, we are proclaiming that God is on His throne. We are placing our trust in the hands of the great physician and the surgeons that will be handling the delicate procedure on Friday. I am also asking that everyone pray specifically on Friday morning while Stef is undergoing the surgery. Some have also committed to fasting on Friday if you feel led to do so.

I woke up this morning with the words to this song on my heart. When I gave it a quick listen this morning, the chorus at the end said it all. “We are NOT alone“. Thank you to all of you that are praying. We serve a great God. We serve a BIG God. May he get the glory, honor and praise.

“Be Still” by Story Side B from the CD “We Are Not Alone”