hands-raised-welcome-photo.jpgMany of you have committed to praying for our brother Stef tomorrow and have been all week. For that I cannot thank you enough. Something hit me yesterday when I was reading over some verses of comfort that I had to share. Here’s the verse:

“Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need” -Hebrews 4:16 (emphasis mine)

Those two little words jumped out at me. How often do I approach prayer time with confidence? How often do I approach moments of worship with confidence? I need to confess that most of those times are approached out of necessity and not with the confidence that God can and will do what only he can do. As with many things in life, confidence is the key. I need to approach this and every prayer time with confidence in God, in his plan, and in his provision. It’s the least I can do.

Let’s commit to one another that as we approach his throne today and tomorrow that we will do so WITH CONFIDENCE!

You are Near” by Hillsong from the CD “For This Cause”