We serve an awesome God! Before I type anything else, I want to acknowledge that we serve a God that deserves all the honor and glory and passion praising him with which we have all been praying for our brother Stef. Also, understand that I am hoping I give you all of the facts as I know them. There will be more definitive conversations tonight, but this is what we found out while we were there.
Stef’s surgery began a little later then anticipated around 9:30. About 2-3 hours into the surgery, we got the first call that the cancer was not as extensive as they originally thought. They said Stef was doing great and that they would be wrapping up and getting ready for the chemo bath. He said he would have another update for us in an hour. When the second call came in, it was to let us know that they were just wrapping up the chemo bath and the Stef had done great. What they found out when they went in is that some of the areas of concern (Bladder, Abdomen) were actually caused by “shadowing” in the imaging process and it does not appear that the cancer had spread to those areas. They removed the tumor from the colon and the omentum. They also removed the cancer from around the bladder and abdomen. It did not appear that it has entered either one at the time that I was there. From what they said, they were able to “peel it away” from those areas to remove it.

Again, this is all first reporting, so I will give a much more definitive update later when I get one and after Sandi has spoken to the Surgeon. She will ask about staging and some of the other questions that we are all wondering. The most important thing right now we can do is praise God for his hand in this surgery and for the great reports we received

We serve an awesome God! I will update you all again as soon as I receive more updates. Thank you for your prayers and thank GOD for his faithfulness, grace and mercy!