prostrate.jpgI am convicted. I’ve been convicted all weekend. I was so convicted on Saturday morning that I found myself emotionally moved to a point I have not been in a long time. I think I might have even moved past convicted to the point of challenged. I don’t even know if I feel worthy to type these words…. We serve a HOLY God.

I am reminded of Moses and his face being radiant (Exodus 34:29-35). I am reminded of Isaiah’s Commission (Isaiah 6:1-9). I am convicted about my reaction when I see, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that I have been in the very presence of the most high God.

On Friday, the network of people praying for Stef was nothing short of miraculous. To map out the people and places that prayers were being raised would be an unbelievable task. I believe with every ounce of my being that God met those requests for our brother. I believe that God worked and moved and that is where I am convicted and challenged. Did I drive away from that hospital on Friday changed? Did I go through the routine this weekend and take a moment to recognize that I was in the presence of God? Have I become jaded to those times when God answers prayers? What, if anything, can I do to show my thankfulness and gratitude?

I’m not sure but I can honestly say that the colors of fall were more brilliant this weekend (and I’m color blind!). The worship this morning was more amazing. My prayers and praises have been more frequent and honest. I have been moved by the glory of it all. I now wonder what it will be like when we are in the presence of God all the time. How amazing that time will be. It is no wonder that we will spend all of our days praising him.