1414318014_l.gifA very long layover AND a flight delay last night in Atlanta was a blessing. Yes, I said a blessing. It gave me the opportunity to read over half of the book “Quiet Strength” by Tony Dungy. Our company headquarters are in Indianapolis and I appear to be on a career collision course to end up there one day. I am “this close” to ditching my Raiders gear in favor of the Colts. This is a great book and Tony Dungy is an incredible man of character.

One of the many things that struck me was something he said about his study of the book of Nehemiah. Here’s what he learned in the course of studying Nehemiah for a year.

I learned three key truths from Nehemiah.

First, Nehemiah’s opportunity came in God’s time, not his own.

Second, Nehemiah diligently prepared his mind and his heart so he would be ready when God’s time arrived.

Third, Nehemiah needed to be prepared to take on the problems, doubt, and adversity that would come his way both from the outside and from within.

Considering what my role with this organization is, and some other things that Heather and I have been praying over, that is some sound advice. We must trust Gods timing. We must prepare our mind and heart to be ready when it arrives. We must be prepared to face adversity.

Much more to come from “Quiet Strength