I’m still on the road and now about 3/4 of the way through “Quiet Strength”. Below are a few more quotes that really stood out to me as I read them tonight:

“How would your business do if you spent the amount of time on it that you spend on your wife and family?”

“What will people remember us for? Are other people’s lives better because we lived? Did we make a difference? Did we use to the fullest the gifts and abilities God gave us? Did we give our best effort, and did we do it for the right reasons?”

“God’s definition of success is really one of significance-the significant difference our lives can make in the lives of others. The significance doesn’t show up in won-loss records, long resumes, or the trophies gathering dust on our mantels. It’s found in the hearts and lives of those we’ve come across who are in some way better because of the way we lived.”

“I think people look more closely at our actions in the rough times, when the emotions are raw and our guard is down. That’s when our true character shows and we find out if our faith is real. If I’m going to call myself a Christian, I have to honor Jesus in the disappointments, too.”

Talent is God-given; be thankful.
Praise is man-given; be humble.
Conceit is self-given; be careful. (Dave Driscoll)

Strong stuff and a great book. One other point of interest is Tony’s involvement with “All Pro Dad” which he founded while in Tampa Bay. I have been to one breakfast with this group and it is something I recommend highly. Check their web site, which also includes a daily email advice section. For the moms out there, they also have the “imom” program for mothers and Family Minute program for families too. Even more resources are available at coachdungy.com.

Yep, I’m a fan…..