
As you can see from the picture above, I made the trip to the Daytona Speedway to take part in the Daytona 500 Experience. There is some cosmic force that seems to be pushing me to being a NASCAR fan. I have finally made my decision to follow Dale Jr. as my driver of choice (not sure what you call them). I’m sure you have all been dying to find that out (ha-ha).

For those that are interested, I just uploaded some pictures from all of my field trips the past few weeks. You can see the pictures from Kansas, Dallas and Daytona Beach. I was in Atlanta today, but was so busy that I didn’t take any pictures. Wasn’t much to see though. I also finished “Quiet Strength” which is the best book I have ever read. Period. Next up is “Prayer-Does it Make any Difference?” by Phillip Yancey. With a long trip to Seattle next week, I figure I should be able to make a pretty good dent in that one.

Lastly, there are some new blogging friends that I recently added to the blogroll. If you get a chance, check out two guys that are just getting started in the blogosphere, but I believe have much to offer. You can find their sites below. Good luck guys! Thanks for bringing your light to the world wide web. May God bless both of your ministries!

Salvo Noodle – Chris Kelley

Perpetual Christianity – Josh