photo_112.jpgWe’ve all heard it said that “into every life a little rain must fall”. Well, when I got off of the plane today and looked out the windows at Seattle, it was raining. Just like the movies. That was about the extent of the “rain” that fell today though. It all started when my hotel let me check in early (which NEVER happens). About an hour later, I had the absolute blessing of meeting Susan and Richard Peralta in person. We have been anticipating this for several weeks and were thrilled when it all came together.

I cannot begin to describe what a wonderful afternoon this turned out to be. We had the opportunity to share a meal together, trade stories about our families and discuss our hearts and vision for ministry. After our meal, we headed towards downtown Seattle with no real plan in mind. Our road trip took us past Safeco Field and the Space Needle. We didn’t realize it, but the Seattle Seahawks were playing on Monday Night Football tonight as well. We joked that we would tell everyone that we went to the game together.

I type all of this to say that once again I am amazed at what I believe are “Divine Moments” in our lives. Two weeks ago, I had the blessing of meeting Jeremy Wheeler, my brother from AC180. Today, it was Susan and Richard. When I say my prayers tonight, I will thank God for these opportunities to enrich my life by meeting Godly people with incredible hearts for people, their families and ministry. To Jeremy, Richard and Susan, I thank you. I thank you for taking the time out of your schedules to coordinate our time together.

I am a richer man tonight after having the opportunity to meet and spend time with you all.