I have GOT to share this. I don’t share it to boast, but rather to just share the journey and what God is doing on only day 3 of the 19 days in Nehemiah. I’d love to hear yours as well. So here goes.

I felt so convicted yesterday morning after reading Nehemiah’s passion and heart to “do something” that I decided, well, to DO SOMETHING! Let me explain that I work for a very worldly, Wall Street driven company. Making the request that I felt like God laid on my heart yesterday morning is not usually celebrated or embraced. It might even bring about occupational disaster. However, I know in my heart that “to whom much is given, much is required“. Being that I am in a position of influence with said organization, I decided to put it to some use.

Our organization spends millions of dollars on advertising and sponsorship (racing and Fenway Park to name a few). The division I am Director of (23 teams made up of roughly 500 employees across the U.S. and Canada) spends hundreds of thousands of dollars on customer forum events (my field trips). Yesterday morning I felt like God was asking me to boldly ask our organization to support me in having each of my teams give something back to their local communities (soup kitchen, Habitat for Humanity). So I did. The response from our other leadership….”I like that idea“!

I immediately sent an email to each of my leaders requesting that they begin pulsing their teams and coordinating the events as we roll into the holiday season. Within hours, I received my first confirmation from a team that they are organizing and sponsoring a clothing drive! I received my second confirmation, 24 hours after my email, that another team is working to do something with Habitat for Humanity! Still a third team is looking into Big Brothers/Big Sisters. The teams are rallying around this opportunity in ways I never anticipated. I didn’t….God did.

As I was flying home from Seattle today, I finally finished reading “If You Want to Walk on Water” by John Ortberg. You’re not going to believe this, but it is absolutely true. Right after I read and underlined this quote (referring to Lewis and Clark) the most amazing thing happened:

Eventually, crossing the Rocky Mountains would be perhaps the supreme acheivement of the whole trip. This challenge would call forth enormous creativity and perseverance; it would lead them to spectacular sights and unforgettable memories; it would build tremendous confidence because when they had tackled the Rocky Mountains, they would know they could tackle anything.

The pilot came on the speaker and said “if you look out the window below you can see the Rocky Mountains”(see picture below for what I saw)! God’s up to something big here. I’m going to enjoy this 19 day journey. Stay tuned….
