howbigisyourgod The similarities between the reading of Nehemiah and “If you Want to Walk on Water” by John Ortberg so far are starting to freak me out. Maybe this is all leading up to something. Maybe I am losing my mind. In either case, I need to ask myself one question, how big is my God?

I couldn’t miss the fact that in today’s text, Nehemiah knew how big his God was. He had huge opposition from every side. Threats, fears, objections and the job was just getting started! Yet he didn’t run and hide. He didn’t back down. He trusted God and made a plan to keep the job moving. Nehemiah did his part while trusting God to do His.

It reminded me of this quote from John Ortberg:

“Courage” he says. “I AM! Don’t be afraid.” I believe that. It is part of my creed. I have committed my life to teaching others about it. Yet all too often my life does not reflect it. All too often I shrink back when I should confront; I worry when I could pray; I cling when I could generously share; I stay in the boat when I could walk on the water.

How true is that? How often do I not trust the size of God when it comes to matters of confrontation, prayer, giving and walking on faith? Nehemiah knew the size of his God. What’s remarkable is that his God, is my God too.

For more see Heidi’s Post (HERE) and Mike’s Post (HERE).