apd.jpgI have been telling you all that God was up to something. Here’s the best part, I don’t think he’s even close to being done yet. I am absolutely THRILLED to announce that as of this morning it became official, we’re bringing All Pro Dad to Northwest Columbus. As you can imagine, the details at this point are still very early. However, I can give you the date and the time now. Saturday, January 5th @ 8:30am we are kicking this party off at the Chic-fil-a on Hilliard Rome Road. You ready?

I am committed to making this a fun, enjoyable, exciting and entertaining monthly breakfast gathering for dads and their kids. With the support of the All Pro Dad organization, Chic-fil-a and some great friends, we are going to make these dates available to see God move and work in the lives of families. You ready?

For those dads that are interested, drop me an email or keep your eyes on Our All Pro Dad Site for more details. I will also be updating the event details on this blog. Let me leave you with the name I chose and why. We’re going to be called the “Proverbs 27:19 Dads“. The verse says it all.

As water reflects a face, so a man’s heart reflects the man” – Proverbs 27:19

Stay Tuned. More details coming soon….