
In the movie “Pretty Woman”, Richard Gere surprises Julia Roberts by taking her on a trip to see an opera. She gets all dressed up and as they are boarding the elevator to leave for a trip to a destination which is unknown to her, she delivers one of the best lines in the movie. She simply says:

“In case I forget to tell you later, I had a really good time tonight”

I know most of you will be glad that today is finally here so I will quit blogging about it. That being said, the day I have been looking forward to for over a year now has finally arrived. My Tar Heels are in town and we are just about 12 hours from tip off. To my friend “D-Rich”, I want to tell you now

“In case I forget to tell you later, I had a really good time tonight”

I’m thrilled for several reasons which go far beyond the game on the court. First off, I have followed the Tar Heels since Michael Jordan sank the shot to win the championship. In all those years, I have never once seen them live. The few times they were anywhere close, I couldn’t get tickets. Secondly, to share the experience with my wife and son makes it even more special. My son knows all of the players names and numbers and is possibly more excited than I am. He even asked for a Ty Lawson jersey (number 5) for Christmas.

While it would be incredible to see a UNC win tonight, I’ll be cheering for the Buckeyes too (my 2nd team). Win or lose, blow out or “barn burner”, I can tell you all that I had a really good time tonight.