IMG_3768 I was going to let the TAR HEEL WIN go by with nothing more than the pictures in my previous post. That being said, I have been getting emails, phone calls and text messages all day. You’d think I would be the one sending them out boasting. It’s cool though. The reality is, I live in Buckeye country, which makes me a Buckeye. However, in case you missed it, I am a Tar Heel fan, living in Columbus. Talk about a man without a country! (Insert village idiot jokes here).

As you can see, we stayed true to the rules and wore our Buckeye gear. As you can also see, I wore the Carolina Blue closest to my heart. Not pictured are my old school Carolina Nikes on my feet too. I was well covered. Austin, Heather and I used an Outback gift certificate and had a nice pre-game meal together. We were bringing Heather up to speed on the players, and what to watch for.

We got to the arena and it was electric. Painted faces (UNC and OSU fans), crazy outfits and of course the band playing “Hang on Sloopy”. Our seats were at half court about 16 rows up. Great seats. The only bad part of the evening occurred about 10 minutes after we got their when the batteries in our camera died. I had to take the rest with my phone. Just a minor setback.

Austin and I were in hoop heaven! I told the guy next to me (who was Thad Matta’s neighbor) that I was sorry before the game even started. I explained I was a Carolina fan and I would be cheering for them. He took the news well and I think I actually made a friend.

One thing is for sure, I’m glad I have unlimited texting because people were coming out of the wood work every time OSU would make a run or take the lead. I got calls from people I haven’t spoken to in MONTHS! In terms of the game, OSU played great defense, especially against Hansbrough. The officiating was horrible on both sides. Without Ty Lawson (Austin’s favorite player), UNC is just not the same team. OSU really struggled shooting the ball and that ultimately cost them the game. It wasn’t pretty but we will take it.

The whole experience was great. Seeing Carolina for the first time in person, with my son and wife by my side was more than I could hope for. I would wear Duke gear if it meant I could do that again. Those that know me know that is saying a lot. I cheer and will cheer for the Buckeyes all the time. Just one night, against one particular team, the decision was easy. Thanks to all of you that shared in the fun. Thanks to “D-Rich” too. I owe you HUGE for this one.