I received one of those phone calls today that you really wish you would never have to hear. The friend on the other end said those words that you never, in your wildest dreams imagined would happen to a friend. Yet in an instant, everything changed. Life dealt another reminder that it is brief. Our time, our moments, our light is but a flash. Today I lost a childhood friend when a fire consumed his home. The friend that called also informed me that Tim’s wife, who is with child, was able to escape the home, but is battling severe burns. While I don’t know her, my thoughts, heart and prayer are with her tonight.

As I was reflecting on the brevity of life, specifically Tim’s tonight, several very vivid memories came to mind. Some filled with laughter, some of the journey. I found it a cruel irony that the annual posting of the “Sesame Street Thanksgiving” was almost always prompted by Tim. He would usually email and say “don’t forget to email out the annual Thanksgiving picture”. He never forgot that, even when I did.

The second memory was of a time when we were in high school when his father passed away suddenly. Tim was crushed. It would be a time when we would realize early on, that life can change in a blink. A few years ago, Tim emailed the lyrics to the song “My Sacrifice” by Creed on the anniversary of his father’s passing to some of his friends. I had never thought of the lyrics in that manner, but it was so appropriate at the time.

Tonight, my heart is heavy but one day, the quickness of life will be no longer. Everything will be made new. Souls will reunite and questions will have answers. To those that read this, I say again…make that phone call, mend that relationship, hug the ones you love a little tighter. This is not home and our time is brief. Make each moment a memory and squeeze every ounce out of each second.

After writing this, I am reminded of the song on the new Mercyme CD called “Finally Home”. I can’t help but think that this morning Tim got to “wrap his arms around his daddy’s neck and tell him that he missed him.” What a moment that must have been. What a day that will be for us all. I love ya brother.

Finally Home” by Mercyme from the CD “All that is Within me”