As most of you know, I have been dubbed the “King of Restless” which is not too far from the truth. It’s a crown I wear with pride, but it sure doesn’t help when it comes to email address books. All of my moves, adds and changes have caused my address books to be spread over more email accounts than I care to admit. So, if I missed you on the initial email, consider this my attempt to get you our annual Christmas card.

Last year, right about the time that the dollar figure for creating the family postcard and postage started to climb into the “outrageous” category, God laid it on our heart to do something different with those dollars. I heard an ad on the radio for the local mission that stated we could provide a warm holiday meal for the low cost of $1.79 (see link below). I couldn’t believe how little it would cost to provide something so meaningful. When weighed against the cost of something that gets eventually thrown away, the choice was easy. We emailed our card for free and contributed the usual card costs to Faith Mission.

So, again, if I missed you on the email list, I apologize. It has more to do with my crazy email address books than anything else. You can download our card at the link below. May God bless you and yours as we celebrate the birth of Christ again this year. Merry Christmas!

Our Christmas Cardconrads-merry-christmas.doc

Faith Mission