One of the most remarkable things that has happened over the years with this little blog of mine is that others have helped to contribute to it. In that way, it’s all of our blog and not just mine. I am humbled and honored when people send me links, podcasts, stories, and other blogs that they think are of value. Often they recommend that I post them so that you all get the benefit of seeing, hearing or reading them as well.

With all of the madness the past several weeks, I am WAY behind on getting much of this content to the world wide web. To each of you I apologize that as Tammy Cochran once sang “Life Happened“. With that, here are some of the links and resources from friends to the blog:

1. First off, Amanda from a new blog called “Are You Ready For This” recently sent me a link for an incredible site dedicated to reaching the youth of our generation called “The Rebelution“. The site is “a teenage rebellion against the low expectations of an ungodly culture”. Incredible site and ministry. Check it out when you get some time and thanks again Amanda!

2. One of my most faithful and encouraging commenters and friends, Mary, recently sent out a link for a new state of the art facility in her hometown called “The Center for Courageous Kids“. You have GOT to watch the video at their site and see what it’s all about. It was founded by Betty Campbell who lost a son to cancer. Ms. Campbell is the daughter of the late Cal Turner, Sr. who founded the Dollar General Corporation. Thanks Mary!

3. Next up is a new Journey (literally) for my friend, my mentor and my brother in Christ, Denny. Most of you are familiar with Denny from his blog at “Joy in the Journey” (if you’re not, you don’t know what you’re missing!). Now you can follow Denny as he begins a new church plant called “Journey Church“. I love this guys heart for the Kingdom. Link it now so you can say “remember when”. Thanks for being obedient to the call brother!

4. Another guy that has been a big supporter of this site is one Mr. Chris Kelley. My man was a “lurker” for awhile, but we are now officially bloggin’ brothers. I have done my best to corrupt him into domain names, blog sites, re-directs and so on. But I think he has finally landed on some real estate here at We’re glad to have you. Check out “Salvo Noodle” for some insight into CK’s thoughts.

5. One final link comes from a guy that I know, but didn’t know he was a blogger until recently. His post today “Everything Waits to Get Noticed” will give you an idea of his creativity and humor. His entire blog can be found at “That Would Make a Great Song“. I love this guys heart for God and his family. Keep singing Ted!

Last but certainly not least, I had the absolute blessing of meeting a guy named Troy Plant (who we are still convincing to start a blog) through our mutual friend Stef. Troy was kind enough to send me the link to a podcast of a sermon from his church. The sermon below comes from a guy named David Pike who works with the High School Ministry at Chandler Christian Church in Arizona. The sermon is called “The best sex ever…… when you’re married”. For those with teens or pre-teens out there, this is a great message. Thanks to Troy and David for sharing it with the rest of us. (T.P… I’ll see you in February!)

The Best Sex Ever…When you’re Married” – David Pike