Hey, it’s not even 2008 yet and I was hit with at least 3 “surely you can change something” moments this morning! Just for kicks and giggles, I typed surelywecanchange.com into the address bar and it seems that someone else has the same idea. I hope to have a page added to the blog soon for “Surely We Can Change Something” opportunities which will be a growing list.

In the meantime, I missed this by a month, but November was “National Adoption Month”. I didn’t realize that until I hit Mark Schultz web site this morning. Take a moment and read through the letters to Mark at this link from people that heard his song. Surely they DID change something! Enjoy this incredible song and video from Mark Schultz for the song “Everything to Me“.

*Special note – Mark Schultz writes this from personal experience as he was adopted as a child. For more of a look “behind the music” on this song, check it out at this link.
