questionmarks.jpgAs 2007 rolled into 2008, I took some time to evaluate the things that occupy my time. Obviously one of those “things” is this very blog. I often joke that this thing has taken on a life of it’s own over the years. What started off as a quick diary for family has become a daily digest of my thoughts.

As I look ahead to 2008 and what to do next, I guess I have one quick question for those that read the blog.

Q: Why do you read this blog? 

I could be opening a whole can of worms with that simple question, but your feedback is appreciated. I generally filter a lot of things that I think I should blog to get to what actually makes it to the web (sports, movies, current events, music, random thoughts). I’m wondering if I should filter more or less? Your feedback will help me determine what I post and when. This is a chance for many of you that follow but don’t generally comment to let me know why you read too.

Thanks in advance for your feedback. Hopefully it will help me to become a better blogger and the site more entertaining for those that read. Thanks again for taking a few minutes to provide some feedback.