This coming Saturday, February 2nd, is our next All Pro Dad Day. Our topic for this gathering is one word…”Perseverance”. Scheduled to appear as our guest speaker is a man and Dad that embodies that word, Stefan Tarapchak. For those Dads (or wives) that read this and can spare an hour on Saturday, I promise you it will be worth the investment. Not only in your life, but in the life of your child. No matter what age.

As we all prepare for the gathering, I would ask that each of you lift Stefan this week in prayer. I cannot thank him enough for making his life and his journey available to each one of us. I will also give you a preview of my closing statements. There is no greater moment that I can think of that captured the image of perseverance for a man and his father. May we all do what it takes to see our children finish the race.
