100k.jpgI am somewhat hesitant to post this, but will do it nonetheless. When I started this thing nearly 3 years ago, who knew that one day it would reach 100,000 hits? I have never done this for the hits. To be honest, I never even anticipated that anyone would read it. It’s a special day so I thought I would share it with each of you that made it possible.

100,000 actually represents the hits that this blog has received since appearing on WordPress.com about a year ago. Prior to that, it has been on just about every blog provider the web has to offer. I have also spent a few months on a hosted site. After all of the moves and name changes, I really feel like I have a home at WordPress.com and the community of bloggers are wonderful to interact with. It’s been a great ride.

Looking back, I had to laugh at the amount of times I thought of shutting it down only to receive some sign that it wasn’t time yet. I think about the other blogs that have grown out of this project like AC180.com and most recently dirtonit.com. Over the next couple of days, I will reach back into the archives for some of my favorite posts and some posts that received the most comments or hits. It might be fun to see where we’ve been, what we’ve gone through and who we met along the way.

On a personal note, thank you to all of you that often read. Some of you comment and I know that many of you read along without commenting. It is beyond my understanding sometimes why people find something I would put on the web of value, but I appreciate each person that does. I don’t know how long I’ll do this, or how far it will go, but for every reader, commenter and “hit”, I am thankful. Thanks for your encouragement and partnership. Here’s to the journey….