What an interesting weekend. Late last week, the company I work for was saddened by the death of a man that was literally a walking miracle. He had been battling and beating cancer for many years. It was amazing. He was a living miracle to anyone that came into contact with him. He was loved by many.

Last night, my wife and I made the drive over to Indianapolis to attend a going away part for my old boss, at the home of my new boss. In attendance at the party were almost all of our Senior Leadership and their wives. At some point in the evening, I was speaking to a man that spoke at the funeral for the man that died. He talked about how he used the opportunity to share how much he had meant to him.

About an hour later, we all gathered around and did the same for my old boss. We told stories and talked about how much he will be missed in the organization. Do you see the difference? I couldn’t help but think about it as the evening wore on and again during the drive home this afternoon.

One man never got to hear the people say such wonderful things about him. His impact was spoken of only after he was gone. We may never know, this side of heaven, if he literally heard what people said and how he had impacted their lives. The second man was able to sit in a room full of people and hear first hand how he had impacted them. It struck me. It reminded me.

You and I have an opportunity each day to let people know how much they mean to us. We have the choice to share the impact they have on us as they weave their way through our journey. Let’s not wait until they are gone to let them know. It maybe the only chance we get.