In the morning my wife and I are boarding a plane to Palm Springs to attend the “Top Gun” event for our organization. It should be a great couple of days. I’m glad my wife gets to spend 4 days being pampered the way that she so richly deserves. I’ll be sitting in meetings, and giving presentations in the morning, but the afternoons are ours to do what we wish. There’s even a black tie affair on Friday evening. I don’t even own a tie, let alone a black one. Luckily I was able to rent one.

I had to laugh when my man Stef sent me a text this week that said “have fun Goose”. To which I replied “I hope my flight goes a little better than his did”. Stef concurred with that thought. Until next time, I leave you with this quote:

No, boys…there’s two O’s in Goose