img_3956.jpgKids and lessons from our Heavenly Father go hand in hand don’t they? The timing is sometimes scary. This morning was one of those moments. Let me explain.

Last night as I tucked my daughter into bed, we were discussing “All Pro Dad” (APD) on Saturday. She gets very excited every month to attend APD. So when she awoke this morning, she was all excited to go. One problem, APD is on Saturday and today is Wednesday. I tried to explain that to her but it didn’t seem to help her disappointment. I explained that “I said it was on Saturday. You heard it was tomorrow”. Her excitement led her to believe the thing she wanted to do would be here right away.

Hmmm ever been there? Almost audibly, I sensed God saying “sound familiar?”. Lesson learned. It was almost as if our Heavenly Father said “I said wait, you heard now”. I believe that God speaks to us in many ways. I also believe that my time table hears and sees those answers coming faster, easier and when I want them. “I said…you heard”.

Lord give me patience in my excitement in what I know you have in store for me. While I rush to have it happen in my time frame, may you grant me the patience and understanding in yours.

You Said” by Hillsong