“No we’re never gonna survive unless we are a little crazy” – Seal

A few weeks ago, I was having lunch with my boss and he said the strangest thing. I don’t even remember the context, but his statement went like this;

“Aaron, everyone’s got a little crazy in them. Some just show it more than other’s”

For the life of me, I don’t know why I still remember that. Maybe it’s the “little bit-o-crazy” that is sneaking out of me. I think he’s right though. I think there are times when we absolutely need to be! I remember the band Petra (aging myself here) once had a lyric that said;

“Some may call me foolish, some may call me odd. I’d rather be a fool in the eyes of man, then a fool in the eyes of God”

The song “Crazy” by Mercyme puts it even better. (click to play)

“I have not been called
to the wisdom of this world
but to a God who’s calling out to me
Even though the world may think
I’m losing touch with reality,
it would be CRAZY to choose this world
over eternity”

So, as you venture out today, don’t be afraid to be a little “crazy”. After all, Seal, Petra, Mercyme and my boss all said that it’s okay.

Originally posted January 2006