There has been much debate (even among Tar Heel fans) about this image. In case you missed it, the man in this picture would be Roy Williams. Roy is the current coach of UNC. Roy used to coach at Kansas. Roy’s team (UNC) lost to Kansas on Saturday. While Roy’s team was flying home after a stunning upset, Roy was sitting the Kansas section laughing, wearing a Kansas logo and really enjoying himself. I am not picturing or mentioning the fact that when Roy’s team (UNC) showed up to play on Saturday (some would say didn’t show up to play), Roy was wearing a tie which featured the colors of the very team he was playing AGAINST.

I like Roy Williams. I like UNC. I don’t like Kansas and I don’t like Roy sitting with or wearing the logo of Kansas. To quote Forrest Gump….”That’s all I have to say about that..”