This struck me as funny the other day. I don’t follow a whole love of NASCAR, but I caught the celebration at the end of the All-Star race in Charlotte (Gods Country). Really the only reason that I watched this was because Kasey Kahne won and the organization I work for sponsors his car (about a foot long banner near the rear windows). While they are interviewing him after the big win, dude is chugging a Budweiser. I’m sure it’s in his contract somewhere that he has to shotgun a 12 ounce while the cameras are rolling. So here is what I am wondering….

Does it strike anyone else as odd that a beer maker is sponsoring a race car? I know it’s all about the advertisement dollars, but the whole drinking and driving thing just struck me as ironic. I’m not getting on the soapbox. It’s not like he is hitting a 6 pack before the race. Just wondered if I am the only one that ever found that a bit odd.