We’re back. Just in time for me to jet to Miami in a few days. We had a great time in Charlotte. Below are some reflections from the 4 days that were Carolina…

1. How did we travel before portable DVD players, GPS, Cell Phones, Twitter, texting, mobile web and facebook updates via text?

2. I have officially tried REAL sweet tea, fried pickles, southern potato salad and Carolina Bar-b-que.

3. Downtown Charlotte may be the cleanest city I have ever seen in all of my travels.

4. Tar Heel and Panther gear is 100% more available and 50% cheaper in Charlotte than Ohio.

5. No matter how much I love my “Crocs” you won’t catch me in a pair of Tar Heel Blue ones (see picture). Even I will admit that some things don’t look good in Carolina Blue.

6. Greeting time at a Southern Baptist Church goes on forever. The Pastor encouraged those in the congregation to “hug on someones neck”. I am not sure what that looks like, but I loved the genuine greetings and community that was displayed.

7. Our date with a boat on Lake Norman didn’t happen due to a thunderstorm. Maybe next time.

8. There was a billboard that said “Got Spiders”? I have heard they have HUGE bugs there. My friend there also told a story of finding a 4 foot black snake in his backyard….

9. Celebrating the UNC baseball win on Saturday night was awesome. Mourning the UNC loss on Sunday night….not so much.