One of the curses blessings of a blog is that people (some you don’t even know) get a glimpse into your life. Depending on your level of disclosure, it can all be out there for the entire world (literally) to see. I sit here today wishing I could type the entire Charlotte story and the overwhelming peace which God has given us. I wish I could tell you about every single thing along the journey that has directed our decision and every doubt that has been answered. The truth is that the post would be VERY long. You might be surprised to hear that it has been 11 years in the making.

That being said, I’m sure there are questions about the who, what, why, where and when. I’ll do my best to cover some of those things as we walk along this path. When is the question of the day and we don’t have an answer for it. There is a little thing called the “housing market” that will dictate when it is official. We don’t know what our buyer looks like. We don’t know what our new home looks like. We don’t even know where the kids will attend school. We don’t know if every detail will be taken care of by August 25th when Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools start the 2008-2009 school year. Did I mention the overwhelming peace we have?

The point of todays post was to get to NOW. As we began to dialog what God was up to in our lives and see how He had answered every question and doubt, only one remained…when? More than once in my life I have waited until the last minute and then called out to God to save me. You know…”Lord, if you can get me through this test in 15 minutes (which I didn’t study for)…..”. It was clear that getting to Charlotte in time for the kids to start school, we needed to give God every chance to be God we could. We needed to give him whatever time we had before the sand ticked through the glass. We knew we needed to get the house on the market and get it on the market quick.

Will it all happen in time? Will our plan be the same as His? We don’t know. But I know that NOW is the time which God has been stirring, directing and guiding us to. I don’t know that we have been more sure of anything in our lives or marriage. It’s time to jump into the unknown and trust that our Creator is waiting with Arms Wide Open.

What about now?
What about today?
What if you’re making me
All that I was meant to be?
What about now?
-Chris Daughtry

How about you? Have you been holding back on what you know God has clearly led you to do? Are you ignoring the stirring in your spirit to act on the unknown? What about now? What about today?