That large black cloud that you see coming from Cleveland is the official mark of an all-out fire sale in C-Town. Everything Must Go! Lost our Lease! Blah, Blah, Blah. I cannot begin to tell you how many times I have seen this movie. C.C. Sabathia is headed to the Brewers for prospects. The 2008 MLB season in Cleveland is officially over. Bring up the kids and lets see what we have for next year.
One thing I will point out is that the movie that I have seen before usually included the player in question sticking around until the end of the year then exiting the door for more money somewhere else. The last time we saw this movie it was Bartolo Colon and we got Sizemore, Lee and Brandon Phillips in return. That deal worked out for the Tribe in the long run. Here’s hoping this one will too. Hey….wait until next year!!!