Since many people that follow Stef’s blog follow this one as well I thought I would get a quick update on our brother and friend. As most of you know, Stef had surgery a few weeks ago in his battle with colon cancer. His recovery this time has been slowed by a few set backs but he was finally able to return home. He has continued to battle pain and a lack of appetite. Last night Sandi and Stef went to the hospital to the emergency room due to his increased pain and inability to keep anything down.

I spoke with Sandi early this morning and they are going to admit Stef to the James hospital. After blood work, CT scans and X-Rays, it appears that he has an infection in his colon. They are going to admit him so they can get the infection under control. I will keep you all posted if I hear anything else.

In the meantime, please pray for Stef. The recovery from his most recent surgery has been very difficult. He has managed a lot of pain and several setbacks. Please pray for Sandi as she was up all night with Stef at the hospital. I will post any updates as I receive them. Thanks for being prayer warriors for Stef. Refuse to Lose!!

“Be Still” by Story Side B