It has been a few weeks and I probably owe each of you a Charlotte update.

I entitled this post “Virtual Reality” because that is what we continue to sense and have a complete peace about. It’s a peace that literally passes all understanding. Are there times of “what are we doing”? Sure. Yet when we anticipate what God must have in store for us to call us away from what we know and love, we find reason to weather those moments of uncertainty.

In terms of “when”, that all depends on the housing market. As my middle child told someone, “we are waiting for someone to pick our house”. We have had great feedback on a handful of showings. One thing we are faced with is the reality that someone buying our home will need to sell theirs too. We will be in the same position when we begin to look in Charlotte. It will be a massive “ripple effect”. So I can’t report when we will move, but I can tell you that every day we don’t sell we count as a blessing. It is a blessing because it is one more day that we can spend with the people that mean so much to us.

Once an offer comes in, I have a feeling the wheels will be in serious motion. Until that time we are resting in His plan and His peace. We covet the prayers of anyone that would join in the journey. The “I pray their house doesn’t sell” requests don’t count 🙂

Thanks for sharing the journey. Much more to come….