An interesting thing happened last week as I was cleaning out the archives of this blog. I realized that there is a direct connection between personal growth and the times when I was reading consistently. I chalked up my lack of personal growth reading recently to a shortage in new book releases. Boy was I wrong! A visit to Lifeway produced a list which will soon be filled at CBD. Although summer is speeding by, here is the quick list of books I hope to power through in the next few months.

1. “Vintage Jesus” by Mark Driscoll

2. “Winners Manual” by Jim Tressell

3. “Wide Awake” by Erwin McManus

4. “Walking with God” by John Eldredge

5. “Axiom” by Bill Hybels

6. “No Athiests in Fox Holes” by Patrick McLaughlin

7. “Downpour” by James McDonald

8. “Raising Dad” by Tom S Rainer

I’m always on the lookout for more good reads. How about you? What are you reading? Any recommendations?