The guys over at MercyMe have started a new challenge for those that they have linked in thier “S.L.O.B.roll” (AKA Blogroll). Since “Arms Wide Open” has the distinct pleasure of being listed on their site, I guess I qualify. They are choosing a “S.L.O.B of the Month” for those on the S.L.O.Broll that bring them the most traffic. If it sounds like I’m begging…I am. Since I appreciate each and every one that reads this blog, I don’t often request anything. This might be the one time I’ll make an exception. Most of you know I’m a pretty big fan of MercyMe.

Your challenge, should you choose to accept it, is to click on the thumbnail in the sidebar to their blog each and every time you visit Arms Wide Open. With a little luck, I’ll be in the running for August. Here’s the best part, THEY HAVE A GREAT BLOG! So after you visit me each day, why not cruise over to thier blog for a quick look see. The key is clicking on the image in the sidebar. Thanks in advance!!